The raison d'existence for Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with Applications to Engineering and Science, 3/e is our conviction that engineering, science, and mathematics undergraduates who have completed the calculus sequence are capable of understanding the basics of complex analysis and applying its methods to solve engineering problems. Accordingly, we address ourselves to this audience in our attempt to make the fundamentals of the subject more easily accessible to readers who have little inclination to wade through the rigors of the axiomatic approach. To accomplish this goal we have modeled the text after standard calculus books, both in level of exposition and layout, and have incorporated engineering applications throughout the text so that the mathematical methodology will appear less sterile to the reader.
Novel features of the third edition are a discussion of the Riemann sphere, adding substance to the pragmatic concept of the "point at infinity" in complex analysis; an introduction to functional iteration and the picturesque Julia sets that thereby manifest themselves in the complex plane; an early exploration of the enrichment that the complex viewpoint provides in the analysis of polynomials and rational functions; and an introductory survey of harmonic function methods for calculating equilibrium temperatures for simple geometries. Optional sections are indicated with an asterisk so that readers can select topics of special interest. Summaries and suggested readings appear at the end of each chapter. As in previous editions, the text is distinguished by its wealth of worked-out examples that illustrate the theorems, techniques, and applications of complex analysis.
Fundamentals of Complex Analysis: with Applications to Engineering and Science (Classic Version) (3r
Harmonic analysis is a branch of mathematical analysis concerned with the representation of functions and signals as the superposition of basic waves. This includes the study of the notions of Fourier series and Fourier transforms (Fourier analysis), and of their generalizations. Harmonic analysis has applications in areas as diverse as music theory, number theory, representation theory, signal processing, quantum mechanics, tidal analysis, and neuroscience.
Numerical analysis naturally finds applications in all fields of engineering and the physical sciences, but in the 21st century, the life sciences and even the arts have adopted elements of scientific computations. Ordinary differential equations appear in celestial mechanics (planets, stars and galaxies); numerical linear algebra is important for data analysis; stochastic differential equations and Markov chains are essential in simulating living cells for medicine and biology.
The Software Engineering Program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to learn Software Engineering fundamentals, to study applications of state-of-the art software technologies, and to prepare for the practice of Software Engineering. The student-faculty interaction necessary to realize this opportunity occurs within an environment motivated by the principle that excellence in undergraduate education is enhanced by an integrated commitment to successful, long-term research, and outreach programs.
The Mathematics major (MATH) explores the interplay between the pure theory and the practical applications of mathematics. The mathematics curriculum can be tailored to an individual's interests with a focus in pure mathematics, applied mathematics or actuarial science, statistics, as well as secondary education. In any case, the curriculum is designed to provide technical skills for growth within the discipline and for success in a wide variety of careers.
Description: Fundamental concepts of linear algebra, including properties of matrix arithmetic, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, inner products, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and diagonalization, with emphasis in data science applications.
Description: Complex numbers, functions of complex variables, analytic functions, complex integration, Cauchy's integral formulas, Taylor and Laurent series, calculus of residues and contour integration, conformal mappings, harmonic functions. Applications of these concepts in engineering, physical sciences, and mathematics.
Concepts of modeling and simulation of vehicle dynamics are developed with particular emphasis on real-time simulation. The digital simulation of the continuous system is developed as a discrete dynamic system that may be filtered, tuned, stabilized, controlled, analyzed and synthesized. Also included are coordinate transformation techniques for multi-degree of freedom systems and numerical integration techniques in the context of real-time applications. Term project involves the simulation of the dynamics of a vehicle such as an aircraft or a land vehicle. Prerequisite: BS degree in engineering or physics or consent of instructor. Offered in spring semester.. 3 credits Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
A study of the response of materials to applied stresses, especially stress-induced failures. Relationship between structure and properties, with emphasis on microstructural changes and failure. Macroscopic and microscopic concepts of fracture mechanics, fatigue, creep and their interactions. Emphasis on design applications and failure analysis. Prerequisites: undergraduate courses in mechanics of materials and materials science, or consent of instructor. Term varies. 3 credits Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Description: This course discusses processing, structure and properties of thin films and coatings, as well as emerging thin film materials and applications. The goal is to connect fundamental principles of thin film nucleation and growth to various thin film processing techniques including vapor phase deposition, plasma etching, epitaxy, oxidation and solution precursor methods. Structural evolution of thin films and its relation to the properties will be highlighted. Characterization of thin films and surfaces will also be presented. This course will be cross-listed with MSE 563. Prerequisites: ME 362 Science of Engineering Materials, or undergraduate courses in materials science and materials processes, or consent of instructor. Offered in Spring. 3 credits. Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
This course is a 32-week in-house course taught at BAE Systems for students enrolled in the BAE ELDP program only and devoted to a broad review of engineering fundamentals, with emphasis on interdisciplinary topics related to Electronic Systems products and processes, technologies, applications, and problem solving techniques. Coursework includes a team-project and presentation to engineering management. Offered in Spring, 6 credits. Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Complex fluids, i.e., polymeric liquids and melts, colloidal suspensions, and micelle solutions, are of great importance in nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, food science, and petroleum industry. The first half of the course will introduce various complex fluids and their physical behavior. The second half of the course will focus on surveying the state-of- the-art computer simulation methods (such as molecular dynamics, dissipative particle dynamics, lattice Boltzmann methods, and others) and their applications to model complex fluids. Prerequisites: ME 535, ME 550, and ME 541 or consent of instructor. 3 credits Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCEProgram Office: 2525 Pottsdammer St., Suite A129; 410-6140A minor in environmental engineering science requires a minimum of 12 hours of coursework, including EES 3040 and ENV 4001. The student must complete 6 additional hours in courses with prefixes EES or ENV at the 3000 level or above, with no more than one (1) of the following courses counting toward the minor: ENV4341 or ENV 4611. Students must consult with the department and obtain written approval before taking courses toward the minor. Students must also satisfy stated prerequisites before enrolling in each course accepted for minor credit. If an environmental engineering science minor is combined with a civil engineering major, EES 3040 and one other course, up to 6 hours total, may count toward the major and the minor. 2ff7e9595c